How to Transfer Assets Using Cwallet ID/Email

Securely Hold, Send, Receive, Exchange, Tip & Earn 800+ Cryptocurrencies With Cwallet.

We offer a convenient and efficient way to transfer total assets from one account to another with just one click. By using this feature, you can easily collect your assets from different accounts to one account without any hassle.

How to transfer account assets using Cwallet ID/email

1. Log into your Cwallet account before transferring crypto assets between them, or you can simply switch wallet.

How to switch wallet:

  • On app: Navigate to the Profile page, click Switch Wallet in the top right-hand corner.

  • On Website: Navigate to the Settings page, click Switch Wallet.

2. Your Cwallet account will be listed here and the value of your total token assets will be displayed in U.S. dollars. Click Transfer Assets.

3. To perform the transfer, you can enter a wallet ID/email or select an account from the list of available accounts.

By clicking on Confirm, and then entering your payment password, the transaction will be processed successfully.

Last updated